Tuesday, October 12, 2010

new batch of mead

i made a one gallon batch of mead last night.

add the water. i like to fill the jug im going to ferment in 3/4 of the way full, then dump it into the pot. the added honey and orange will fill the rest of the volume.
mead is all about the honey. for this batch i used a 3lb. tin from Trader Joes. 100% desert mesquite honey.
stir honey as you add it so it doesn't burn on the bottom of your pot
honey foams up when it boils
transfered to the bottle
one honey tangerine
the homebrew store sells yeast nutrients for mead making but i try to make my recipes with as few items as possible from there. i added a few raisins in case the tangerine didn't provide enough nutrients for the yeast. which reminds me that i somehow forgot to document activating the yeast and pitching the yeast.

1 jug full of water
2-4 lbs. of honey
1 honey tangerine
wine yeast

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