Tuesday, October 12, 2010

HOW TO: sanitizing with bleach

I normally sanitize with iodophor, but im out, so im gonna learn to sanitize with bleach. I want to make a batch of mead tonight and don't want to wait until tomorrow to make it to the beer store which isn't far away but is annoying to get to.

this site has basic brew instructions that include sanitizing with bleach.
2 0z. bleach to 5 gal. water.

here is a good article about sanitizing bottles.
1 tablespoon bleach per gallon of water

I came across a few sites that were anti-bleach. they gave various reasons including possibly killing your yeast if the bleach isn't rinsed away well enough. after the equipment is soaked in the bleach sanitizing solution it must be thoroughly rinsed to remove all the bleach. i don't like this because because rinsing the items in un-sanitized water seems counter productive. with iodophor the equipment can be used with out rinsing.

another problem i had was on the web i found several different ratios for mixing the bleach with water. the best directions i found were on the back of the bottle of bleach which says to use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water which is what i did. Don't use your kitchen measuring spoon or your girlfriend will yell at you.

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